George Bowman (1935 - 2006)
Newburyport, MA, U.S.A.
Oil Paintings, Drawings
"Fishing at Dusk"
Original Oil on Canvas, 16" x 20", Framed
"Flower Girl"
Original Oil on Paper, 8" x 10", Framed
Click on pictures to see a larger view
Bowman was born in Newburyport in 1935 and earned degrees from the Boston School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts University,
his lifelong love of being an artist became his career. He worked on publications and cover
illustrations for the Air Force and illustrated and designed children’s educational books in Boston and New York. He is listed in ‘’Who’s Who in American Art,’’
‘’Who’s Who in the East,’’ ‘’Who’s Who In America, 50th Edition.’’
He won several awards for his paintings such as the Louis Bankoff award, the John Cooley award, the Aldro Hibbard award, New
England Book Designers Award and others.
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