Ad van Hassel
Roosendaal, The Netherlands
Etcher, Painter and Printer
"Four Red Tulips"
Original Acrylic, 24" x 40", Wrapped
Prices for the works on this page range from $375.00 - $1,050.00.
Please contact us for availability and current pricing.

"Five Red Tulips"
Original Acrylic, 12" x 32", wrapped
Click on pictures to see a larger view

"Two Yellow Tulips"
Original Acrylic, 16" x 24", Wrapped
Ad van Hassel was born in Roosendaal, the Netherlands
in 1953.
He received his training as a creative artist in the studio of Maarten Krabbe, where he mastered
the use of several techniques. In the early days he mainly focused on etching and watercolors, later he dedicated himself
to silkscreen printing. He gained great fame as a craftsman silkscreen printer of the works of a select group of famous Dutch
artists. Besides his business success, the creativity of his own work has become a higher priority. Especially his colorful
acrylic paintings on canvas, with elements from nature as inspiration are widely appreciated.
“Not only progress is important, but a conscious usage of the space and the possibilities
of a new way. Because then the time going by can be the reason for discoveries never made before”.
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