Russ Webster (1904 - 1984)
Lynn, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Oil Paintings

"Windmills Portugal" Original Oil on Canvas, 18" x 24", Framed
Click on pictures to see a larger view

"Lily Pond" Original Oil on Canvas, 16" x 20", Framed

"Marsh" Original Oil on Canvas, 12" x 24", Framed

Original Oil on Canvas, 20" x 24", Framed
(Summary from several sources)
Russ Webster was a long time
resident of Lynn, Massachusetts and Cape Ann painter who died in 1984. He worked as a commercial artist at General Electric in Lynn
He studied with members of the Rockport Art Association; he traveled with and
was a long time friend and student of Emile Gruppe.
He is best known for his Harbour Scenes and Landscapes.
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